Our Local Community
Looking for a local riding group? Both Champlin and Plymouth locations have an active ride schedule. Visit our stores on facebook for up to date ride and event information.
Volunteer Opportunity: Bikes4Kids
The Robert and Wilma Burbach Bike Foundation is a 501(c) (3) tax exempt non-profit organization created in June 2011. RWBBF operates under the name Bikes4Kids. RWBBF collects and refurbishes used serviceable bicycles to redistribute to kids and people in need. Each bicycle is given away free of charge with safety and maintenance instructions, a helmet and a lock. Currently, the Foundation's cost of giving away a bicycle is $18.70 per bike. RWBBF is an all volunteerorganization of very dedicated mostly retired people.
Trailhead Cycling is a collection site for Bikes4Kids. Since 2011 we have collected over 5,000 bicycles and help to refurbish and/or funded the refurbishing of these bicycles. Drop off your donation during store hours, and please consider a $10 donation per bike to help cover the cost of refurbishing. And; THANK YOU!